for someone whose background spanned beauty and fintech, our guest today, aishwarya iyer, couldn’t have picked a more different field to dip into. but after launching in june of 2018, brightland, aishwarya’s modern pantry essentials company, has already made its way into more than 150 doors and graced the pages of the NY times, goop and domino. cliche as it may seem, brightland’s success rests on aishwarya’s commitment to the brand’s story and core values, which include letting the olives, which are lovingly farmed in california, speak for themselves.

from working with her dream artists to creating opportunities through smart brand alignments, aishwarya shows us the value of building a business through a unique and studied perspective.
more importantly, she shows us that in a digital world where businesses are clambering for a spot on our feed, there is still plenty of room for people to connect through analog means. tune in below!