Illustration of two people high-fiving through web browser windows, representing collaboration and success and seamless and effective email and SMS marketing services. The text below reads: 'done-for-you email & SMS marketing. Generate consistent, profitable revenue - easier and faster than before

done-for-you email & sms marketing

Generate consistent, profitable revenue—easier and faster than ever before.

Turn views into customers

With ad costs rising, it’s extra important to turn your website traffic into first-time purchasers.

keep them coming back for more

bring your customers back again and again, making each customer worth more.

another profitable channel

pour into your most reliable and predictable audience.

brand communication that engages all senses

put simply, when you look good, we look good ✨
Yew Yew email layout, designed by antidote.Lesse email layout, designed by antidote.DedCool email layout, designed by antidote.Happy Viking email layout, designed by antidote.Material Kitchen email layout, designed by antidote.Salt & Stone email layout, designed by antidote.Lemme email layout, designed by antidote.Kulfi email layout, designed by antidote.
Lesse email layout, designed by antidote.DedCool email layout, designed by antidote.Material email layout, designed by antidote.Lemme email layout, designed by antidote.Salt & Stone email layout, designed by antidote.Clevr Blends email layout, designed by antidote.Dieux email layout, designed by antidote.Happy Viking email layout, designed by antidote.
Icon of a person holding a large dollar bill with a smiley face, representing Antidote’s promise to provide top-notch expertise and professionalism to clients. The text below reads: 'work with experts in their craft.

work with experts in their craft

Icon depicting a globe with arrows and sparkles, representing Antidote’s world-class creative services that enhance sales. The text below reads: 'world-class creative that sells more.

world-class creative
that sells more

Icon of a person climbing steps with arms outstretched, representing Antidote’s ability to create predictable revenue growth and consistent progress. The text below reads: 'create predictable revenue growth.

create predictable revenue growth

Icon of a person sitting in a chair, working on a laptop with a flower in hand, representing Antidote’s proven process and commitment to save time. The text below reads: 'a proven process to save time.

a proven process to save time

Icon of a notepad with a flower drawing and a pencil, representing Antidote’s policy of no long-term contracts showing flexibility. The text below reads: 'no long-term contracts.

no long-term

Icon of a person giving a high-five to a hand coming out of a web page with a smiley face, representing Antidote’s guarantee of happiness and customer satisfaction. The text below reads: '& happiness guaranteed.

& happiness

it's a love affair

never prompted, always appreciated 🙏
Email from Lucas to Sam, praising Sean and his team. The email reads: 'Sam, Sean and his team are fucking excellent and have driven amazing results for Canopy. We should’ve worked with them since day 1Email from Charlotte Palermino to Sean Donovan, with Marta Freedman cc'd. The email reads: 'You should really be proud of your team. Don't think I've ever worked with an agency that's this delightful, diligent and fun. Thank you!!' The Dieux logo is displayed at the bottomScreenshot of a Twitter conversation initiated by Jess Meher (@Jessicameher) asking, 'who is designing @curiebod's emails cause they are gorgeous?!' The tweet has 11 likes and was posted at 7:56 AM on July 21, 2022.


Sarah Mor... (@thats_a_mo...) responds, 'Thank you!! We work with the amazing team at Antidote! ❤️'
Erica Weng... (@erica_w...) replies, 'Same question! @thats_a_moret'
Joanne C... (@itsJoanne...) responds, '@thelexiebennett we were JUST talking about this 2 hours ago 😂'
Each reply includes a profile picture of the userMessage from Abigale Coleman of Long Wknd, marked as 'Client,' saying: 'Abby WOW Y'ALL ARE SO FAST AND SO INCREDIBLE! APPROVED! <3 <3 <3' The message includes a profile picture of Abigale and several emoji reactions: a red heart, a blue thumbs-up, a fire, and another heartEmail from Allison Conrad to Sean, expressing satisfaction with the work Adriel and the team have been doing for Arey. The email highlights an impressive ingredient spotlight email created by the team, which exceeded Allison's high standards. The email ends with well wishes and is signed by Allison. The Arey logo and tagline 'The wrinkle cream of haircare' are displayed at the bottom.Email from James to Sean expressing increasing admiration for Antidote's work and team. James describes major supply chain issues leading to stock shortages and an inability to manage email flows, causing presale and back orders to pile up. James asks if they can shift email resources to communicate with customers, providing updates, apologies, and keeping people informed and engaged with the brand. James requests a brainstorming session to discuss strategies for social media vulnerability and damage control. The email ends with James suggesting a call for further discussionMessage from a client, thanking for the attentive setup and efforts for the Eros launch. The message reads: 'Hi! Wanted to say thank you for crushing the attentive setup and everything else for the Eros launch. You’re a rockstar! Did you receive the products okay?' The message includes a profile picture of the client and a timestamp of '1:01pmMessage from Alyssa at 8:30 PM, stating: 'Nayla - I am so happy with Antidote. They are beyond impressive.' The message includes a profile picture of AlyssaPartial message mentioning: 'email. Sarah SWOONED, and I was sure to let her know it was all @Sivim. I tweaked the gradient slightly, and once the gif is...' The message includes a profile picture of the user tagged as SivimMessage thread between a client and Sean.

Sean at 3:36pm says, 'Was going to reach out to check in & make sure you feel supported as you’re prepping for the little one.'
The client responds at 3:39pm, 'I am. Thank you so much. The team is great!! One of the best decisions we’ve made so far 😊' The client’s message includes a profile picture and is marked as 'ClientMessage from Molly Murphy, marked as 'Client,' saying: 'Hi Sean. Yes absolutely! We are loving working with you guys and we're so continuously impressed with the team & the output.' The message includes a profile picture of Molly and a timestamp of '4:12pmMessage from Lindsay Silberman of Hotel Lobby Candle, marked as 'Client,' saying: 'This is awesome. So much fabulous intel and great fodder for copy!' The message includes a profile picture of Lindsay and a timestamp of 'Today 11:18pm.Message from a client with the initial 'K,' stating: 'Hi team. This email looks stunning!! Great work. Approved.' The message includes emoji reactions of a heart and a rocketMessage from a client, Marketing Director, praising a design. The message reads: 'OMG THIS DESIGN IS SO BEAUTIFUL Bronte!!!!! ready for test Jasmine.' The message includes profile pictures of the client, Bronte, and Jasmine, along with emoji reactions: a heart, a checklist, and a rocketMessage thread featuring exchanges between a Head of Marketing client and Abby Gregory, campaign strategist & manager.

Jan 21: Head of Marketing client says, 'Abby this is good to go and looks great! Can you please share the Excel of the flow overview as well when you get a chance?'
Jan 22: Abby Gregory responds, 'Amazing, we will go ahead and update the schedule and start working on creative. I also dropped the automation framework in the docs & files here for you!'
Jan 24: Head of Marketing client replies, 'Perf, I made some notes on it but overall it’s approved! Love it so much I’m so excited to get flows moving.'
The messages include profile pictures and rocket emojis
Canony logo
“sean and his team are f***ing excellent and have driven amazing results for canopy. we should’ve worked with them since day 1.”
lucas lappe
co-founder, canopy
Arey logo
“we are so happy with the work the team has been doing for arey! i have very high standards, and this has exceeded expectations.”
allison conrad
CEO, arey
Dieux logo
“don’t think i’ve ever worked with an agency that’s this delightful, diligent and fun. thank you!!”
charlotte palermino
CEO, dieux skin
Boka logo
“increasingly impressed with antidote. you guys are seriously the best agency we’ve ever encountered. great team across the board.”
james hagen
CEO, boka
Hotel lobby logo
“I wanted to tell you how obsessed I am with our team running HLC and the process. Everything has been so seamless”
maria malonoski
cmo, hotel lobby

what happens next?

a clear path to holistic & healthy growth ✨
find out if we're
a good fit
broken line arrow pointing right, blue colornumber 1
answer a few questions and find out if we’re a perfect fit. we're all ears.
the opportunity analysis
number 2broken line arrow pointing right, blue color
understand what’s ahead and learn about how we can help.
agreement vs
number 3broken line arrow pointing right, blue color
we don’t do long-term contracts because cream always rises to the top.
the brand download
number 4
broken line arrow pointing right, blue color
you'll provide everything we need to get our team up to speed.
the start of
something great
5 step number
we only do one thing to be experts in our craft. never trust all-purpose glue.
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