1. we're all ears

give us all of the context. help us understand your brand and business.

2. meet & greet

the world is shallow, so we dive deep. let's get to know each-other.

3. growth starts

elevate your brand to a higher state through incredible email & sms marketing.

have questions?

what will my team look like?

Meet the team  ↓

1. Your Strategist: Diving into your business, guiding you to a vision of success and healthy growth. You reach out to this person when you have questions, concerns or want guidance.

2. Your Copywriter: Our copywriters help define the tone of your brand and discover how we express that in each campaign.

3. Your Designer: Our designers bring the vision to life with world-class creative.

4. Your Campaign Coordinator: Once a campaign is approved, our coordinators jump in to get it built out & ready for delivery.

what is the length of your contracts?

we like to keep things simple. no long term contracts, and in a sense, no contracts in general. we like to sign agreements, if you change your mind & or the state of your business changes, no problem.

What types of businesses do you typically work with?

We work with a wide range of e-commerce businesses, from emerging startups to established brands, across industries such as fashion, beauty, wellness, and lifestyle. Our clients are typically looking to scale their customer acquisition and retention efforts through targeted, high-performing email and SMS marketing campaigns.

How is Antidote different from other email marketing agencies?

At Antidote, we take a holistic, data-driven approach to email and SMS marketing. We don't just focus on creating beautiful designs or clever copy; we dive deep into your business to understand your unique challenges, goals, and target audience. We then develop custom strategies and continuously optimize campaigns to drive measurable results and long-term growth.

What kind of results can I expect from working with Antidote?

Our clients typically see a significant increase in email and SMS revenue within the first 60-90 days of working with us. On average, our clients experience a substantial increase in email and SMS sales, as well as improvements in key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. We also help our clients build stronger, more engaged customer relationships that drive long-term brand loyalty.

What level of involvement do you require from your clients?

We believe in a collaborative partnership with our clients, but we also understand that you're busy running your business. That's why we handle the heavy lifting when it comes to email and SMS marketing, from strategy and design to execution and optimization. However, we do require some involvement from our clients, particularly in the early stages of our engagement. This typically includes:

1. An initial deep-dive into your business, goals, and target audience

2. Providing access to necessary platforms and tools (e.g., email service provider, SMS platform, website analytics)

3. Regular check-ins and strategy sessions to ensure alignment and share insights

4. Timely review and approval of campaigns and creative assets. Beyond that, we're happy to take the lead and keep you informed of progress and results along the way.

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